the simulated world

Transport Modelling

“… when building statistical models, we must not forget that the aim is to understand something about the real world.”

– David Hand

Our Trade

aDanner provides transport modelling services. We use specialist computer software to help analyse and design transport systems.

Our Team

Gary has over 30 years experience in transport engineering. He has worked with software developers and transport professionals to help produce and test state of the art software. His passion is innovation in transport modelling and he thrives on delivering quality products for clients.
Gary Millar
Charles has been a professional in the the traffic and transportation industry since the mid 1980's. He has 20 years experience in transport simulation modelling and has an excellent track record working on multidiscipline road based design projects.
Charles Reeler
Andrzej is an experienced transport modeller. Over the last 13 years he has worked on numerous modelling projects in the UK and Australia. Since joining aDanner in 2016 Andrzej has dedicated his skills to testing and assessing major infrastructure improvements in Sydney.
Andrzej Cieslak
Associate Director